All of the new character posters from The Force Awakens

New character posters from The Force Awakens are debuting all over the internet! So far, the official Star Wars pages have produced Kylo Ren and Han Solo, Daisy Ridley had Rey on her Instagram, and John Boyega and Carrie Fisher dropped Finn and Leia on their Twitter accounts. Check ’em out now!

Finn Poster Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Harrison Ford Han Solo Poster Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Kylo Ren Poster Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Carrie Fisher Princess Leia Poster Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Rey Poster Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Captioning her poster Carrie Fisher wrote, β€œOh Luke, don’t ask for the moon, we have the force.” What does it mean??